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Stone Pigman's Criminal Defense and Government Investigations Practice Group represents individuals and businesses identified as witnesses, targets, victims, or defendants in criminal and regulatory enforcement matters, including SEC investigations.  Whether assisting in responding to a grand jury subpoena, mounting a defense, or defending a client at trial, the firm has worked with federal and state enforcement agencies and beyond to assist clients in navigating the criminal justice system.

Our knowledge of the white collar criminal defense practice can assist individuals and businesses targeted by government investigations, including those charged with securities fraud, corruption, mail or wire fraud, money laundering, health care fraud, racketeering, environmental crimes, and maritime offenses.  We assist clients during grand jury proceedings, immunity negotiations, plea negotiations, trial, and appeal.  We have managed complex federal and state court litigation related to criminal investigations.  We have experience representing clients in cases initiated by federal agencies, including the United States Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as by various state agencies, U.S. Attorney's Offices, state Attorneys' General, and local district attorneys. 

In addition to responding to and assisting with all types of government investigations, we also coordinate and conduct internal investigations.  We work with clients on risk assessments and compliance programs, including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, in order to reduce the risk of civil litigation and criminal exposure. 

Because of the potentially severe consequences of criminal proceedings, the assistance of able counsel is of the utmost importance.  Our criminal defense and government investigations team acts quickly to protect you, your business, your career, and your reputation. 

Some of our representative matters have included:

  • Defense of former General Counsel of failed regional bank on bank fraud charges involving millions of dollars.
  • Conducted extensive investigation into alleged FEMA fraud involving millions of dollars.
  • Served as legal consultant and public media spokesperson on behalf of the family of a former NFL player murdered in New Orleans.  
  • Conducted internal investigation into possible cheating on standardized tests involving educational institutions.
  • Defended southern automobile dealership alleged to have committee fraud against a motor vehicle manufacturer.
  • Represented client before the Securities and Exchange Commission in regard to insider trading charges.
  • Defense of oil exploration company investigated for alleged criminal violations of the Clean Water Act.
  • Representation of clients, both corporate and individual, under investigation by the United States Coast Guard.
  • Representation of an individual in connection with a federal grand jury investigation regarding allegations of city government corruption, including negotiations with government agents regarding responding to a grand jury subpoena. 
  • Defense of a local business owner charged with Medicaid fraud, filing false records, and forgery.
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